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Wednesday, October 18, 2017


LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH TUTORIAL QUESTIONS FOR SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (First Term), education, nigeria, senior high, literature

PAPER 1 (SS 1)



1. The protagonist is the ______(a) author (b) villain (c) hero (d) speaker (e) antagonist.

2. As chapter is to prose, so ___ is to poetry. (a) couplet (b) stanza (c) line (d) chorus (e) paraphrasing.

3. Verbal irony occurs when a speaker on stage (a) says the opposite of what the speaker means (b) is misunderstood (c) tries to deceive the audience (d) is alone (e) is funny.

4. A humorous scene in a play intended to ease tension is (a) climax (b) tragi-comedy (c) comic relief (d) comedy (e) tragedy.

5. A dead metaphor is one that is _______ (a) overused and ineffective (b) extended in meaning (c) implied (d) mixed (e) not funny.

6. ‘My bounty is as boundless as the sea; My love as deep’ is an example of ___ (a) hyperbole (b) litotes (c) euphemism (d) paradox (e) metaphor.


7. Through the trees I’ll hear a single ringing sound, a cowbell jingle. The underlined illustrate _______ rhyme. (a) end (b) decasyllabic (c) internal (d) dimeter (e) middle rhyme.

8. A literary work is a satire when it ______ (a) finds fault (b) humorously criticises to improve a situation (c) proves laughter (d) teaches a lesson for social improvement (e) it’s not a comedy.

9. A mountain of fufu was placed before the hungry visitors. The device used above is _________ (a) hyperbole (b) euphemism (c) alliteration (d) assonance (e) simile.

10. The omniscient narrator is _____ (a) all knowing (b) limited (c) realistic (d) always humorous (e) God.

11. Which of the following does not define a character? (a) What the character does (b) what the character says (c) what others say about the character (d) the way the character appears (e) the character’s mannerism.

12. Which of the following is not a type of play?(a) Tragedy (b) Tragic flaw (c) Comedy (d) Tragi-comedy (e) farce.

13. A short introductory speech delivered as a part of a play is called (a) a preamble (b) a prologue (c) an introduction (d) an epilogue (e) first words.

14. Pick the odd one of the option listed. (a) euphemism (b) oxymoron (c) hyperbole (d) rhythm (e) simile

15. The major distinctive feature of drama is (a) dialogue (b) setting (c) epilogue (d) plot (e) singing

16. A poem written in praise of someone or something is (a) a ballad (b) an epic (c) a sonnet (d) an ode (e) lullaby


17. The central idea of a story or poem is the (a) title (b) climax (c) theme (d) conflict (e) topic

18. The timing and location of a literary work is ______ (a) theme (b) plot (c) setting (d) atmosphere (e) timing

19. The elegy ____ (a) conforms to a fixed pattern of lines (b) is set in the countryside (c) has a mournful tone (d) celebrates heroic deeds (e) is a church poem.

20. The major genre of literature are ______ (a) fiction, non-fiction, drama (b) prose, farce, comedy (c) prose, drama, poetry (d) poetry, prose, fiction (e) comedy, drama and prose

21. “Poetry gets bored of being alone. It wants to go outdoors to chew on the winds.” The dominant figure of speech in the above lines a ________ (a)paradox(b) pun (c) parallelism (d) personification (e) irony

22. A poem consisting of fourteen lines is ____ (a) a narrative (b) a sonnet (c) an ode (d) an elegy (e) lyric

23. The most exciting and tense part of a story is the (a) epilogue (b) climax (c) prologue (d) exposition (e) middle

24. Lines of unrhymed poetry are known as__ (a) blank verse (b) assonance (c) consonance (d) free verse (e) verse

25. A dramatic performance with only bodily movements and without words is _____ (a) a mime (b) an aside (c) a soliloquy (d) an opera (e) farce

26. A short poem lamenting the death of someone is a____ (a) lyric (b) sonnet (c) ballad (d) threnody (e) lullaby

27. In a story, the adversary of the protagonist is the ___(a) hero (b) heroine (c) antagonist (d) foil (e) cast

28. “Tell me not, sweet, i am unkind” illustrates_____ (a) inversion (b) paradox (c) humour (d) mood (e) satire

29. The art of giving human attributes to non-human object is _____ (a) personification (b) allegory (c) anecdote (d) allusion (e) simile

30. A long narrative poem which deals with heroic deeds is _____ (a) lyric (b) epic (c) ode (d) euphony (e) sonnet

31. A poem of four lines is called a ___ (a) quatrain (b) sestet (c) sonnet (d) couplet (e) octave

32. A literary piece used to mock or ridicule a society or practice is called _______ (a) an allegory (b) a fable (c) a farce (d) a satire (e) a pun

33. The story of a person’s life written by another is _________ (a) history (b) autobiography (c) biography (d) anthology (e) short story

34. When charaacters talk to each other, it is referred to as ______ (a) soliloquy (b) monologue (c) dialogue (d) recitation


Read the extract and answer questions 35 and 36

I have to thank God I’m a woman,

For in these ordered days a woman only

Is free to be very hungry, very lonely.

35. The dominant device in the above lines is _________ (a) burlesque (b) paradox (c) conflict (d) irony (e) assonance

36. The tone of the poem is one of ________ (a) sorrow (b) sarcasm (c) happiness (d) anger (e) excitement

37. A piece of writing which teaches moral is___(a) serious (b) didactic (c) playful (d) analytical (e) satirical

38. “Peter’s pretty partner paid the bills” is an example of___ (a) alliteration (b) rhythm (c) satire (d) digression (e) assonance

39. A character whose flaws combined with external forces lead to his suffering is a __
(a) heroine (b) tragic-hero (c) hero (d) protagonist (e) villian

40. A deliberate use of exaggeration for the purpose of humour/emphasis is_____ (a) metaphor (b) irony (c) simile (d) hyperbole (e) personification

41. A short introductory speech delivered as a part of a play is called __(a) a preamble (b) a prologue (c) an introduction (d) an epilogue (e) extempore


42. The timing and location of a literary work is _________

(a) theme (b) plot (c) setting (d) atmosphere (e) place

43. The most exciting and tense part of a story is the __________(a) epilogue (b) climax (c) prologue (d) exposition (e) middle

44. A dramatic performance with only bodily movements and without words is _______ (a) a mime (b) an aside (c) a soliloquy (d) an opera (e) monologue

45. In a story, the adversary of the protagonist is the (a) hero (b) heroine (c) antagonist (d) foil (e) tragic hero

46. A literary piece used to mock or ridicule a society or practice is called _____ (a) an allegory (b) a fable (c) a farce (d) a satire (e) pun

47. The story of a person’s life written by another is__(a) history (b) autobiography (c) biography (d) anthology (e) short story

48. When characters talk to each other, it is referred to as _____ (a) soliloquy (b) monologue (c) dialogue (d) recitation (e) language

49. A piece of writing which teaches moral is (a) serious (b) didactic (c) playful (d) analytical (e) satirical

50. A character whose flaws combined with external forces lead to his suffering is a
(a) heroine (b) tragic-hero (c) hero (d) protagonist (e) villian




INSTRUCTION: Answer QUESTION TWO and ANY OTHER THREE questions from this section.

1. Write short notes on the following:

i. Irony

ii. Euphemism

iii. Alliteration

iv. Onomatopoeia

2. What is literature?

(b)Explain the difference between English literature and literature-in-English.

3. Mention and explain five purposes of literature

4. Enumerate the genres of literature

(b)Give a brief explanation of each

5. Outline and explain five elements of drama

6. What is the difference between the following?

a. dramatic monologue and soliloquy

b. simile and metaphor

c. suspense and comic relief

d. Protagonist and antagonist

7. List and explain five types of poetry


PAPER 2 (SS 2)

1. The expression of unpleasant experiences in a mild way is _________

(a) hyperbole (b) metaphor (c) euphemism (d) paradox (e) oxymoron

2. The paragraph in prose can be compared to ____________ in poetry.

(a) couplet (b) line (c) stanza (d) verse (e) scene

3. A literary device that creates a mental picture of a situation is _____

(a) imagery (b) symbolism (c) flashback (d) epilogue (e) picaresque

4. The whole town was present at the wedding ceremony. This is an example of _____

(a) oxymoron (b) hyperbole (c) onomatopoeia (d)repetition (e) pun

5. In a literary work , a clown normally ___ (a) directs the action (b) creates cosmic relief (c) supports the protagonist (d)creates the atmosphere (e)disguises as the antagonist

6. A narrative in the oral tradition that may include legends and fables is a _________

(a) ballad (b) pastoral (c) folktale (d) romance (e) eulogy

7. Any literary work which holds up a society to ridicule is a __________

(a) satire (b) fable (c) lampoon (d) limerick (e) sarcasm

8. Pick the odd item______________

(a) elegy (b) ballad (c) metaphor (d) ode (e) none


9. An author’s story about himself is a/an _____

(a) biography (b) essay (c) diary (d) autobiography (e) selfism

10. The feeling and attitudes of a writer are conveyed by __________

(a) mood (b) style (c) theme (d) setting (e) language

11. Rhyming words ______ (a) have similar spellings (b) are paralled lines (c) sound alike (d) convey meaning (e) are disjointed

12. The specific literary term used to distinguish a novel from a play is ______(a) genre (b) verse (c) act (d) passage (e) diction

13. A struggle between opposition forces in a literary work is the ______

(a) plot (b) conflict (c) climax (d) denouement (e) relief

14. “Peter’s pretty partner paid the bills” is an example of _____

(a) alliteration (b) rhyme (c) satire (d) digression (e) assonance

15. “O happy torment” is an example of

(a) oxymoron (b) synecdoche (c) innuendo (d) simile (e) irony

16. A literary work written in form of a letter is ____(a) creative (b) romantic (c) tautological (d) epistolary (e) letter writing

17. “The lawyer addressed the bench” illustrates ______(a) metonymy (b) alliteration (c) simile (d) oxymoron (e) irony

18. The concluding part of a play where the conflict is resolved is the

(a) resolution (b) enjambment (c) denouement (d) climax (e) solution

19. A writer’s choice of words is his

(a) diction (b) mood (c) tone (d) setting (e) words

20. A deliberate use of exaggeration for the purpose of humor/emphasis is

(a) metaphor (b) irony (c) simile (d) hyperbole (e) oxymoron

21. A piece of writing or speech at the beginning of a work of art is the

(a) prologue (b) dialogue (c) monologue (d) epilogue (e) introduction

22. The main objective of drama is to ____(a) educate us (b) entertain us (c) educate and entertain us (d) strengthen and beautify us (e) all of above


23. In literature, another name for denouement is _____(a) resolution (b) reference (c) inference (d) deregulation (e)accusation

24. A common attribute of a play is its possession of a(n) _______

(a) conflict (b) epilogue (c) sarcasm (d) prologue (e) epilogue

25. If the sound of a word suggests its probable meaning, we have a case of ______________(a) euphemism (b) onomatopoeia (c) criticism (d) synaesthesia (e) litotes

26. _____ applies to both tragedy and comic plays. (a) horrifying ending (b) happy ending (c) bomb blast (d) climax (e) plot

27. Which of the following options is the stronghold of poetry?(a) emotion only (b) ideas only (c) beauty only (d) all of the above (e) none of the above

28. A narration is said to be an epistolary work if it is largely conceived in___________(a) essays (b) episodes (c) arguments (d) letters (e) reports

29. In the poetic line, “I am the enemy you killed, my friend,” the literary device most noticeable there is a/an ___(a) hyperbole (b) oxymoron (c) synaesthesia (d) onomatopoeia (e) metaphor

30. “What is our life? A play of passion?” What is the pronounced device deployed in that single poetic line? A/An_____ (a) simile (b)rhetorical question (c) allusive phraseology (d) metaphor (e) personage

31. ____ is a central organising element linking figure(s), action, style and language in a piece of fiction. (a) setting (b) plot (c)synecdoche (d) theme (e) characterisation

32. The outline of a story in a logical order is referred to as ______(a) plot (b) outline (c) storyline (d) pan-shot (e) flashback

33. A narrative poem ____(a) preaches a sermon (b) propounds a philosophy (c) tells a tale or story (d) argues in a narrative manner

34. One of the following makes use of gesture only___________(a) Comedy (b) Lampoon (c) Mime (d) Satire (e) Opera

35. An epilogue ________(a) introduces a play (b) develops characters (c) sums up a play (d) introduces characters (e) plots a play


Read the extract below and answer questions 36 - 38

‘’like the dew on the thorn

Like the foam below a valley

Like the bubble on a sweet babe born

Thou art gone,for ever rarely

36. The extract arouses in the reader a feeling of ___(a) anxiety (b) sorrow (c) joy (d) hope (e) excitement

37. One of the literary devices used in the extract is___ (a) personification (b) repetition (c) hyperbole (d) paradox (e) irony

38. The rhyme scheme of the above extract is ___(a) abba (b) abab (c) aabb (d) abcd (e) abcc

39. ‘A joyful tear’ is an example of which figure of speech? (a) simile (b) metaphor (c) hyperbole (d) oxymoron (e) irony

40. The principal female character in a novel is called _______(a) hero (b) villain (c) heroine (d) clown (e) meter

41. The last part of a literary work is known as__ (a) acknowledgement (b) epilogue (c) climax (d) prologue (e) ending

42. The character matched against the hero of a play is the_________ (a) antagonist (b) anti-hero (c) clown (d) hypocrite (e) enemy

43. The identical sound at the end of a poem is known as (a) metre (b) rhythm (c) rhyme (d) verse (e) sound

44. A protagonist who has a disastrous end is a _____(a) comic character (b) flat character (c) round cast (d) tragic hero (e) disaster


45. The author of Lonely Days is _______

(a) Asare Dokubo (b) Kwaku Fosu (c) Bayo Adebowale (d) Asare kanadu (e) Adeoye Saswa

46. What is the name of Yaremi’s late husband? (a) Ajumobi (b) Fayoyi (c) Olonade (d) Adeoye (e) Lanwa

47. “Yeremi I am the one that carved the image of vengeance divinity, standing there at the village gate” Who made this speech?

(a) Ajumobi (b) Anyanwale (c) Lanwa (d) Olonade (e) Dedewe

48. One of the following is not a theme in Bayo Adebowale’s Lonely Days. (a) subjugation of women (b) superstition (c) excitement (d) agony of widows (e) Education

49. One of the following is not a character in the book______

(a) Nanna Sonte (b) Nwoye (c) Yaremi(d) olonade (e) Dedewe

50. Who is the author of ‘Faceless’? (a) Naan sanko (b) Amma Darko (c) Bayo Darko (d) Charles Darwin (e) Adeoye Alabi





1. Discuss any two themes in the novel

2. To be a widow is the worst that can happen to an African woman. Justify the truism of this statement with adequate reference to the novel.

3. Write short notes on the following characters

i. Ajumobi

ii. Yaremi

iii. Woye



4. Discuss any two theme in the novel

5. Compare Kabria’s attitude with her children and that of Maa Tsuru

6. Write short notes on the following characters:

i. Kabria

ii. Fofo

iii. Baby T



1 comment:

  1. Pls sir, I need the answers to these literature questions.
