Tutorial Questions for Computer Science (ICT) SS2 - xpino SCHOLARS

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tutorial Questions for Computer Science (ICT) SS2

1. A good program must not be _______ (a) accurate (b) efficient (c) clear (d) inaccurate (e) readability 

2. The generality of a program means the program should be able to ____ (a) solve all problems (b) solve all similar problems (c) give general solution (d) change easily (e) none of the above

3. The actual writing of the program in a programming language is called _____________ (a) program documentation (b) program testing (c) program development (d) program coding (e) program running 

4. One of these languages is interpreted and not complied (a) C (b) C++ (c) COBOL (d) FOTRAN (e) BASIC 

5. Which of these language is compiled (a) BASIC (b) PHP (c) QBASIC (d) C (e) Perl 

6. The process of updating a previously written program is called ______ (a) maintenance (b) program testing (c) program running (d) program document (e) none of the above 

7. The step by step procedure of solving a program is called ________ (a) flowchart (b) implementation (c) algorithm (d) algorithm (e) simplification 

8. An algorithm must not be ______ (a) effective (b) written in sequence (c) ambiguous (d) easy to follow (e) written in English like statement 

9. _____________ is a diagram which represents the step by step procedure of solving a problem (a) algorithm (b) graph (c) flowchart (d) drawing (e) art work 

10. One of the following is not a flowchart symbol (a) decision (b) process (c) connector (d) start (e) agreement 

11. The symbol that connects on symbol to the next is the ____________ (a) connector (b) flow line (c) process (d) end (e) start

12. Writing algorithm in sequence means it is in a particular _______ (a) form (b) order (c) pattern (d) shape (e) none of the above 

13. Flowchart are drawn from _____ (a) left to right (b) bottom to top (c) right to left (d) right (e) top to bottom 

14. Which of these are true? (a) a flow chart can be drawn from an algorithm (b) an algorithm can be written from a flowchart (c) a flowchart cannot be drawn from an algorithm (d) none of the above 

15. Which of these is not a BASIC in-built function? (a) ABS () (b) TAN () (c) EXP () (d) LOG () (e) Sin ()

16. Which of these functions is used to find square root? (a) EXP (b) SQR (c) SRT (d) SQT (e) none of the above 

17. Which of these functions gives the logarithm of a number? (a) Log () (b) LGO () (c) LOG () (d) LGG () (e) LLG () 

18. What will be the result of LOG (100)? (a) 10 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 1000

19. What will be the result of SQR (4*25)? (a) 4 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 100 (e) 1000

20. What will be the result of ABS (10 – 30)? (a) 20 (b) -20 (c) 10 (d) 30 (e) 37

21. The register is a special high speed__________ area within the CPU (a) input (b) processing (c) output (d) storage (e) none of the above

22. Registers are located in the __________ (a) hard disk (b) CPU (c) mother board (d) monitor (e) keyboard 

23. Current instruction register________ instructions currently being executed. (a) allows (b) control (c) retrieve (d) store (e) contains 

24. Main memory holds instructions while registers hold current_________ (a) data (b) information (c) program (d) software (e) none of the above 

25. The sharing of information with users who need it is called__________ (a) reproduction (b) communication (c) transmission (d) operation (e) none of the above

26. Every program, song and document is stored as a ______ in the computer (a) folder (b) filed (c) record (d) data 

27. A ___________ is the smallest unit of information stored in computer file (a) Folder (b) record (c) field (d) file (e) field name

28. Computer files can be classified by all the following criteria except _____________ (a) area of storage (b) nature of content (c) organization method (d) storage medium 

29. Alphanumeric character set consists of ________________(a) numbers (b) letters (c) A and B (d) data item (e) F and G

30. The smallest unit of information store in computer files is ______________ (a) record (b) data item (c) field (d) data file (e) none of above

31. The _____ is formed in the CPU of a computer(a) main memory (b) modem (c) mother board (d) register (e) zip drive

32. The central processing unit is connected to the (a) expansion board (b) expansion slots (c) memory ship (d) mother board (e) system unit

33. Which of these packages is appropriate for preparing payroll of workers? (a) Corel draw (b) Microsoft access (c) Microsoft excel (d) Microsoft word (e) Wordpad

34. Master files are files of fairly ________ nature (a) permanent (b) useful (c) temporary (d) changing (e) none of the above 

35. Which of these classes of file has the shortest life span (a) reference file (b) transaction file (c) master file (d) current file 

36. Files that are stored in the order in which they have arisen are called ____ (a) random file (b) sequential file (c) indexed file (d) serial file 

37. One of the following is not a type of file organization (a) serial (b)random (c) indexed (d) linear 

38. Computer files can be classified by all the following criteria except _____ (a) area of storage (b) nature of content (c) organization method (d) storage medium 

39. Computer files operations do not include___________ (a) create (b) view (c) update (d) access (e) open

40. Data loss and overwriting are effects of file____ (a) security (b) insecurity (c) corruption (d) damage (e) none of the above

41. In a worksheet, a set of data is called (a) Column range (b) Data base (c) Data file (d) data range (e) row range 

42. 1 megabyte is equivalent to ______ kilobytes (a) 1000 (b) 1024 (c) 1034 (d) 1204 (e) 1304

43. Which of these is not a logic comparison symbols in computer studies? (a) = (b) < (c) > (d) <= (e) ^

44. When a file of folder is deleted, it goes to the ___(a) hard disk (b) memory (c) monitor (d) Recycle bin (e) system unit

45. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10110111? (a) 180 (b) 181 (c) 183 (d) 184 (e) 185

46. Any document saved into a disc is referred to as a/an (a) field (b) file (c) folder (d) Icon (e) record

47. ROM is also known as (a) Adapter (b) firmware (c) network (d) semi conductor (e) slot

48. One of the following is not a types of file organization (a) serial (b) sequential (c) random (d) indexed (e) linear 

49. Files that are stored in the order in which they have arisen are called ______ (a) random file (b) sequential file (c) indexed file (d) serial file (e) none of the above

50. The two types of software are _________ (a) general and specific software (b) system and application software (c) primary and secondary software (d) old and new software (e) high and low software 

51. Which of the following is not part of system software? (a) machine language (b) utility software (c) language translator (d) operating system (e) all of the above 

52. The software that managers computer hardware resources is the __________ (a) utility software (b) operating system (c) application software (d) operating software (e) translator 

53. One of the following is not an operation system (a) windows 6 (b) UNIX (c) Linus (d) windows 7 (e) window xp

54. __________ is a program that translates a high level language into machine code before execution (a) An assembler (b) A translator (c) A compiler (d) An object code (e) none of the above

55. What will be the output of an AND gate of there are two inputs of 1 and 0? (a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 10 (d) 11 (e) 01

56. What will be the output of an OR gate, which receives two inputs of 0 and 1? (a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 10 (d) 11 (e) 01

57. In an OR gate, 1 + 1 = (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 11 (e) 01

58. In an AND gate, 1 + 0 = (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 10 (d) 11 (e) 01

59. Which of the following is not an example of logic gate? (a) NOT (b) AND (c) OR (d) MAND (e) all of the above

60. ___________ gates from the pillars of logic gates (a) normal (b) universal (c) simple (d) complex (e) circle

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