Tutorial Questions on Agricultural Science for SS 2 - xpino SCHOLARS

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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Tutorial Questions on Agricultural Science for SS 2

1. Anatomy of farm animals refers to________ (a) body form and structure (b) body organs (c) organs function (d) none of the above (e) all of the above.

2. Physiology of farm animals refers to______ (a) functioning of forms and parts of the body (b) structure and form of the body (c) digestion (d) ingestion (e) reproduction. 

3. Monogastric animals have the following attributes EXCEPT______(a) one stomach (b) do not ruminate (c) cannot digest cellulose (d) digests fibre (e) none of the above.

4. The abdominal cavity of farm animals contain the following EXCEPT_____ (a) liver (b) stomach (c) spleen (d) lungs (e) pancreas.

5. Ruminant animals include the following EXCEPT_____ (a) cattle (b) sheep (c) pig (d) goat (e) all of the above.

6. Digestive enzymes in the small intestine include the following EXCEPT________(a) ptyalin (b) lipase (c) erepsin (d) maltose (e) lactose.

7. The effects of the environment on the growth and performance of farm animals is referred to as_______ (a) Animal Pathology (b) Animal Physiology (c) Environmental Sanitation (d) Environmental Physiology (e) all of the above.

8. Effects of changes in climate on reproduction include_______ (a) heat stress (b) high temperature (c) high rainfall and humidity (d) all of the above (e) none of the above.

9. Poultry birds are reared mainly for_______ (a) meat (b) egg (c) manure (d) a and b only (e) all of the above.

10. The systems of poultry management in the tropics include the following EXCEPT________ (a) Extensive System (b) Intensive System (c) Semi – Intensive System (d) all of the above (e) none of the above

11. Agricultural pollution comprises of ______arising from farm activities (a) Wastes (b) emissions (c) discharges (d) all of the above (e) none of the above

12. Common gaseous pollutants include_______ (a)Carbon monoxide (b) sulphur dioxide (c) nitrogen oxides (d) chlorofluorocarbons (e) all of the above

13. Land pollution results from ______ (a)Poor agricultural practices (b) mineral exploitation (c) industrial wastes (d) urban waste (e)all of the above

14. In soil pollution, micro and macro organisms in the soil are depleted________ (a)True (b) false (c) no idea(d) not scientific (e) none of the above

15. Sources of land pollution of agricultural importance includes______ (a)Bush burning (b) deforestation (c) chemicals(d) all of the above (e) none of the above

16. Water pollutants include_______ (a) pesticides (b) heavy metals (c) non-degradable (d) all of the above (e) none of the above

17. The cost of production may be increased when controlling agricultural pollution______ (a)true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

18. Eutrophication is ______ (a) undergrowth of plants and algae (b) plants and algae (c) overgrowth of plants and algae (d) all of the above (e) none of the above

19. Agricultural pollution has significant effects on ______ (a) plants (b) animals (c) farmers (d) consumers of agricultural product (e) all of the above

20. Surface irrigation is usually very successful on sandy soils________ (a) true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

21. Surface irrigation works well on Lilly lands_______ (a) true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

22. Overhead surface irrigation is expensive to establish and maintaine______ (a) true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

23. Overhead irrigation cannot be employed for a wide variety of crop farm_______(a) true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

24. Subsurface irrigation requires no technical knowledge________ (a) true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

25. Water cycle is insignificant in the maintenance of life and ecosystem on earth________ (a) true (b) false (c) no ideal (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

26. Nitrogen cycle is required by organisms for metabolic functions and respiration _______ (a) true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above

27. The environment holds a certain amount of water as vapour_______ (a)true (b) false (c) no idea (d) not scientific (e) none of the above
28. Organic agriculture sustains ________ (a)Soil health (b) ecosystem (c) people (d) all of the above (e) none of the above

29. The following are not used in organic agriculture except____ (a)Fertilizers (b) herbicides (c) insecticides (d) all of the above (e) none

30. Organic agriculture uses the following techniques except________ (a) crop rotation (b) green manure (c) compost (d) biological pest control (e) all of the above. 

31. Weed is any plant that grows in a place where________ (a)expected (b) it likes (c) not expected (d) seen (e) All of the above

32. Crop improvement refers to_______(a) developing and breeding of improved crop varieties (b) developing and breeding un-improved crop varieties (c) developing and breeding non-crop varieties (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

33. Aims of crop improvement includes the following except¬¬¬¬¬________ (a) to increase yield of crop (b) to improve the quality of crops (c) to adapt to climatic conditions (d) to increase resistance to diseases (e) to reduce the quantity of crop

34. Protein sometimes contains_________ (a) sulphur (b) nitrogen (c) phosphorus (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

35. Protein sources from animals include________ (a) insects (b) earthworm (c) cholesterol (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

36. Protein sources from plants include the following except______ (a) groundnut cake (b) sunflower seed meal (c) cashew nut meal (d) cotton seed meal (e) Egg

37. Fats are composed of_______ (a) carbon (b) hydrogen (c) oxygen (d) none of the above (e) All of the above
38. Fats sources include the following except_______ (a) palm oil (b) lard (c) fallow (d) milk (e) silage

39. Macro-elements include the following except_____(a)calcium (b) phosphorus (c) sulphur (d) chlorine (e) iron

40. Trace elements include the following except______(a) iodine (b) copper (c) cobalt (d) fluorine (e) magnesium

41. Fat soluble vitamins include the following except______ (a) vitamin A (b) vitamin D (c) vitamin E (d) vitamin K (e) Folic

42. Water soluble vitamins include the following except ---------- (a) vitamin C (b) Thiamine (c) Niacine (d) Pyridoxine (e) None of the above

43. Water functions as ______ (a) drinking purposes (b) metabolic and digestion of food (c) dipping/drenching (d) maintenance of body temperature (e) All of the above

44. The processes of crop improvement include________ (a) introduction (b) selection (c) breeding (d) hybridization (e) All of the above

45. Disadvantages of introduction include________ (a) possibility of introducing new crop diseases (b) possibility of introducing new crop diseases (c) new crop may not adapt to new environment easily (d) new crop may be easily adapt to new soil conditions (e) All of the above

46. Demand may be defined as the amount or quantity of goods or services which a consumer is willing and able to buy at a given price and a particular time_______(a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know (d) None of the above (e) All of the above 

47. The higher the price, the lower the quantity of goods demanded_______ (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

48. The higher the income of a consumer, the lower the quantity of goods demanded. (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

49. As more and more units of a variable factor of a production are added to fixed factor, after a certain point, the marginal product declines_______ (a) true (b) false (c) No idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

50. Farm accounts are major activities going on in the farm business written in a document______ (a) true (b) false (c) No Idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

51. Farm records are statements of money paid out or received for goods and services used in a farming business_______(a) true (b) false (c) No Idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

52. Farm records and account are not useful for comparing management efficiency over time_______ (a) true (b) false (c) No Idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

53. Farm valuation is useful for tax assessment_______ (a) true (b) false (c) No Idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

54. Anything of value in the possession of a farm in a farm asset_____ (a) true (b) false (c) No Idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

55. Ability of a farm business to meet its financial commitment as they fall due is called liquidity_______ (a) true (b) false (c) No Idea (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

56. The advantages of breeding include________ (a) superior offspring (b) rapid growth (c) pure-line (d) resistance (e) All of the above

57. The pollination and fertilization of closely related crop plants in order to retain certain desirable traits is called_______ (a) cross-pollination (b) cross-fertilization (c) in-breeding (d) None of the above (e) All of the above

58. Mode of dispersal of weeds include_______ (a) by animals (b) by wind (c) by water (d) explosive mechanism (e) All of the above

59. The cultural methods of weed control are the following except______ (a) flooding (b) burning (c) mulching (d) crop rotation (e) chemical control

60. Productivity of crops can be improved through a combination of methods including________ (a) use of good crop varieties (b) use of resistant varieties (c) control of crop pests (d) control of crop diseases (e) All of the above

(For assistance, the author can be reached on +234 808 198 0229)

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