Tutorial Questions on Civic Education for SS 1 - xpino SCHOLARS

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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tutorial Questions on Civic Education for SS 1

  Tutorial Questions on Civic Education SS 1 xpino.org
1. Campus cult members are _____ (a) hostile towards themselves in the group (b) hostile towards their group members (c) hostile towards members of rival groups (d) hostile towards loyal members (e) hostile towards their tight friends.

2. A secret cult can better be regarded as (a) a secret club in which the members are religious (b) a group that has a secret symbol(c) a group of secretive people who love expensive dresses (d) a secret, extreme group in which the members behave unacceptably (e) a secret people with an enviable character

3. Generally in Nigeria, cultism operates mostly in (a) primary schools (b) secondary schools (c) second-hand educational institutions (d) post- secondary schools (e)first-hand primary schools

4. The origin of cultism in Nigerian institutions can be traced to (a) Pythagoras’s Confrontation (b) Pyrates Confraternity (c) Pyrates Confrontation (d) Pythagoras’s Confraternity (e) Confraternity Confrontation.

5. The government and society ____(a) sympathize with cultism (b)synchronize with cultism (c) are against cultism (d) are for cultism (e) are in love with cultism.

6. Political authority refers to the (a) ability to affect political action (b) capacity to produce desired political results (c) recognized right to exercise political power (d)unrecognized rights (e) ability to perform political activities.

7. The following are manifestations of law and order in society EXCEPT (a) due process (b) Peaceful electioneering campaign (c) decorum (d) official election rigging (e) fighting at polling booth.

8. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria recognizes the armed forces for the Federation which shall consist of the (a) Army, Police and Navy (b) Army, Air Force and Soldiers (c) Army, Air Force and Navy (d) Army, Customs and Immigration (e) Army, Air Force and Customs.

9. These are some ways the citizens can help in maintaining law and order in society EXCEPT (a) reporting crimes and criminals (b) protesting regularly (c) protecting public property (d) acting as witness in law courts (e)fighting each other without reason

10. The primary duty of the citizens to society is (a) obedience to traditional authority (b) obedience to civil society (c) loyal to self (d) loyal to the state (e) obedience to friends and family members only

11. A system of government that listen to public opinion and tolerates opposition is (a) dictatorial regime (b) capital regime (c) democratic regime (d) socialist regime (e) party regime.

12. Victims of human trafficking are usually compelled to engage in (a) lucrative employment (b) visiting tourist sites (c) part-time studies(d) forced labour (e) full-time studies

13. The division of Nigeria into various constituencies with each electing a person to represent it in the National Assembly is a demonstration of (a) checks and balances (b) popular participation (c) political rivalry among the constituents (d) drive towards secession in the country (e) wrong participation.

14. The nearest government to the people and an important means of grassroots development is the (a) state government (b) unitary government (c) local government (d) federal government (e) military government

15. One major barrier to national development is the (a) low poverty level (b) existence of multi-party system (c) prevalence of corrupt practices (d) persistent rural-urban migration (e) high level of literacy

16. To be self- reliant is to be (a) dependent (b) independent (c) unemployed (d) confused

17. The process of governing through which rules and regulation are made is called _________ (a) communication (b) government (c) constitution (d) civic rules (e) common.

18. Chief Ajekulaye was a prominent politician and honourable minister in Ojelu lolaye Republic. He had sponsored several candidates to power and made them to swear oath of allegiance to him. In return, they awarded contracts and offered financial and material assistance to him at the expense of the public. This had resulted in the non-provision of social amenities. These were some of the grievances the community had against him for which a mob gathered in front of his house shouting and hauling abusive words at him. They did not stop at that as they vandalized property and obstructed vehicular movement.

When leaders like Chief Ajekulaye place self-interest above public good, the result is that____ (a) rebellion becomes inevitable (b) cooperation of citizens is guaranteed (c) international support for the regime is ensured (d) society becomes more peaceful and orderly (e) obedience is okay

19. The condition of disorderly behavior exhibited by the mob in the story best describes the (a) ineffectiveness of the police (b) breakdown of law and order (c) importance of ministerial position (d) need for security measures (e) police arrest

20. A major lesson Nigerians could learn from the story is that (a) leaders can empower voters by giving them money (b) security officials should use brutal force on citizens (c) the underprivileged should not vie for elective positions (d) greed and related vices can cause serious breach of the law (e) Chief Ajekulaye is good

21. UDHR means the ________ (a) United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (b) Universe Declaration of Human Rights (c) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (d) Unity Declaration of Human Rights (e) Union Declaration of Human Rights

22. The UDHR was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on _______ (a) 10 October 1948 (b) 10 December 1984 (c) 10 December 1948 (d) 10 October 1947 (e) 10 November 1949

23. The text of the UDHR was drafted between ________ (a) January 1948 and December 1949 (b) October 1948 and December 1948 (c) January 1947 and December 1948 (d) January 1948 and December 1948 (e) January 1947 and November 1948

24. _________ prepared the preliminary text of UDHR. (a)A nine-member drafting committee (b) A ten-member drafting committee (c) An eight-member drafting committee (d) An eleven-member drafting committee (e)A forty-member drafting committee.

25. 58 member states voted a total of ________ on every word clause of the UDHR text. (a) 1,000 times (b) 2,400 times (c) 1,400 times (d) 140 times (e) 3,000 times

26. The General Assembly is an organ of which of the bodies? (a) African Union (b) Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (c) United Nations Organization (UNO) (d) European Union (EU) (e) United Africa

27. The following EXCEPT one are the major beliefs contained in the universal Declaration of Human Rights: (a) All human beings are members of an all inclusive family (b) That violation of human rights has been the major cause of all inhuman acts against world peace. (c) That there is need to protect human rights through the rule of law (d) That it is possible for a country not to relate with other countries of the world (e) Equality before the law

28. The seven core rights outlined in the UDHR of 1948 represent (a) basic principles of the African Union (b) basic guidelines for human association (c) basic summary of all human rights (d) basic views of the United States (e) basic views of the African States

29. Since 1948 when the UDHR was released by the UN, human rights have become issues that have gone through the following EXCEPT (a) being written down in national constitutions of member states of the UN. (b) being used as the yardstick for measuring how good national government is in practice (c) being used by despotic governments to rule their people (d) being used in categorizing different types of human rights (e) being used in showing the interconnected nature of human rights

30. In terms of number, the preliminary declaration of the UN on human rights as published in 1948 are : (a) ten (b) six (c) seven (d) eight (e) twelve

31. Which one of the following roles is expected of a good citizen in promoting the spirit of the human rights? (a) Payment of tax (b) Preventing the Police from arresting criminals (c) Refusal to join or support human rights groups (d) Refusal to become informed on human rights activities (e) Enjoying violation of human rights

32. Laws of libel and slanders are to protect (a) Freedom of movement (b) Freedom of religion (c) Freedom of speech (d) Freedom of association (e) Freedom to private life.

33. Government can best promote the enjoyment of human rights through the following EXCEPT (a) the use of radio (b) the use of television (c) the use of the print media (d) the oral media (e) the use of international pressure.

34. One major problem of human rights in developing countries of Africa is the (a) high standard of education (b) high population of people (c)high level of poverty (d) high rate of religious conflicts (e)high rate of elites

35. The following EXCEPT ONE are reasons why police must be controlled to enable citizens to enjoy their rights: (a) the police is a friend of the people. (b) the police can misuse their power (c) the police can make enjoyment of rights impossible (d) the police can be biased in their investigation of cases (e) the police can be hypocrites in handling cases

36. The most popular means through which citizens of a country can participate in politics is by (a) being members of political parties (b) engaging in constructive criticisms (c) engaging in political debates (d) voting (e) not voting at all

37. A major benefit of youth empowerment is (a) dependable on foreign aid (b) discouragement of patriotism (c) reduction in crime rate (d) negation to national prosperity (e)depend on friends

38. One of the condition which can limit the enjoyment of Human Rights in Nigeria is the (a) acceptance of foreign aid by the government (b) improvement in literacy level of the citizens (c)declaration of state of emergency by government (d) periodic review of the constitution by government (e) low literacy level

39. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is based on the resolution of the (a) Human Rights Watch (b) United Nation Organization (c) Amnesty International (d) League of Nations (e)Unity Nations

40. ______ is known as the father of democracy (a)Lord Luggard (b)Wesley (c)John Maslow (d) Charles Taylor (e) Abraham Lincoln

41. The tenure for political office holders in Nigeria is ____ years (a) Eight (b)six (c)four (d)two (e)for life

42. The right of every citizen upheld under democracy is ____ (a) fundamental human right (b) artificial right (c) judicial right (d) noble right (e) police right

43. Democracy is more ____ to run (a) cheap (b) expensive (c) difficult (d) legal (e) raw

44. _____ is the legal maxim that suggests that government decision must be made by applying known legal principles (a)human right (b)legal practice (c)racial law (d)rule of law (e)rule of game

45. _____ allows for creation of federal, state and local government (a) monarchy (b)federalism (c)parliament (d)autocracy (e)senate

46. ____ is known to be a messiah to the people in the third republic (a)Chief Obafemi Awolowo (b) Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe (c)Chief MKO Abiola (d) Chief Anthony Enahoro (e)Chief Obasanjo Olusegun

47. The minority is protected through the ____ (a) bill of right (b)bill of conduct (c) bill of fraud (d)bill of laden (e) bill of speech

48. _______ is a way of electing leaders into office in the democratic dispensation (a) Nomination (b) appointment (c) voting (d)ordination (e) accommodation

49. One of the responsibilities of a citizens is ____ (a) law abiding (b) fair play (c)goal setter (d)visionary (e)missionary

50. Political party’s major function is ______ of primary election. (a) Collation (b) conducting (c) making (d) compiling (e)dictating

51. ____ is the channel through which political parties make their program known to the people. (a) Canvassing (b) campaigning (c) convincing (d) coronation (e) Complaining

52. When air force was formally established? (a) 1961 (b) 1962 (c) 1963 (d) 1964 (e) 1967

53. An agency of government that sees to the internal security affairs of the country is _____ (a) army (b)civil defence (c) police (d) navy (e) cult members

54. The constitution has modus operandi of a government (a) yes (b) no (c) may be (d) false (e) none of the above

55. The Nigerian army’s significant role in the United Nations sponsored monitoring group in Liberia and Sierra Leone is known as ____ operation (a) Conflict keeping (b) border patrol (c) peace keeping (d) covert (e) border post keeping

56. Civil defence is ___ military operation (a)para (b)anti (c) post (d) pre (e) major

57. In prosecution of offenders, the Nigerian police can only ____ (a) imprison (b) investigate (c) persecute (d) rusticate (e) relegate

58. Who is the current senate president of federal republic of Nigeria?

(a) Senator David Mark (b) Senator Ajanikoko (c) Senator Bukonla Saraki (d) Senator Saheed Ibikunle (e) none of these

59. The head of Nigerian customs service is addressed as ______ (a)commandant general (b)controller general (c) computer general (d) inspector general (e)major general

60. State Security Service (SSS) was formerly known as _____ (a) national security organization (b)Nigerian security organization (c) national security officers (d) Nigerian security officers (e) organization national secretary 

(For Inquiries and assistance, the author can be reached on 09068929100) 


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