A work tool for teachers and students, but especially for Secondary School Students. Comprehensive lesson notes, with exercises. Past questions in specific subjects for revision and research.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


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Paper 1 (SS 1)



1.      Which of the following is a satellite of the Earth? (a) Moon (b) Sun  (c) Jupiter (d)Mercury (e)Pluto.
2.      The planet with the shortest orbit round the sun is (a) Mars (b)Venus (c) Mercury (d)Uranus(e)Pluto.
3.      Which of the following is an evidence to show that the earth is Spherical in shape?  (a) Elliptical orbit (b)Earth’s curved horizon          (c) revolution of the earth   (d) Seasonal changes.(e)none of the above.

4.      The Solar system comprises________   (a) the sun, the earth and pluto   (b) the sun, the earth and moon.    (c) the sun, and its nine planets    (d) the sun and the earth. (e) the moon, and its nine planets.
5.      Which two planets lie between the sun and the earth? (a)venus and mars (b)Venus and Jupiter (c) mecury and venus (d)Mecury and Saturn (e)Saturn and Neptune.
6.      When a ship appears over the distant horizon the (a) hull is seen before the cabin (b) hull and the mast are seen together (c)  mast is seen before the hull (d)  cabin is seen before the mast
(e)none of the above.
7.      The earth lies between the ­­_____  (a)  mecury and the venus   (b)  mars and the jupiter    (c) venus and the mars (d)  Jupiter and pluto (e)Saturn and Neptune.
8.      When the moon comes in between the earth and the sun. (a) eclipse of the moon occurs (b) the length of the day varies  (c) solar eclipse occurs   (d) the length of day increases(e)none of the above. (e) the moon
9.      How long does it take the mercury to make a complete revolution?(a)88days (b) 225days (c)3651/4 days (d) 687 days(e) 80days.
10. Which of the following is not a proof of the earth’s sphericity? (a)circumnavigation of the earth (b) Deflection of winds (c)ships visibility (d)the circular horizon (e)none of the above.
11. The planet with the longest orbit around the sun is ______ (a)the earth (b) Jupiter (c)Pluto (d) mars. (e)saturn.
12. During the equinoxes ________                                         (a )there are 6 hours of darkness and 18 hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere  (b) there is complete darkness for 24 hours at the north pole  (c) there is continuous daylight for 24 hours at the south pole.  (d) days and nights are equal in length for all places throughout the world   (e) there are 7 hours of darkness and 17 hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere
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13. The movement of the earth round the sun is  termed the earth’s __ (a)evolution (b) revolution (c)rotation (d) orbit
14. The farthest planet from the sun in the solar system is the ___ (a)  Mercury    (b) Earth (c)Saturn (d) Pluto(e) the moon
15. Temperatures are high throughout the year in equatorial areas mainly because _________  (a)  insolation is constantly high    (b) of temperatures cloud cover    (c) equatorial areas are influenced by currents (d) there are few highlands to reduce temperature (e) the moon
16. Seasonal changes in weather and climate are caused by ____ (a)rotation of the earth on its axis (b)direct overhead sun on the tropic of cancer (c)direct overhead sun on the tropic of capricon (d)revolution of the earth around the sun. (e) the moon
17. The hottest planet is _______ (a)Mars   (b) Pluto (c) mercury (d) venus. (e) Pluto
18. It takes the earth ­­­­­­­­___ to revolves round the sun. (a)365 (b) 222              (c) 629    (d) 22.
19. The movement of the earth on its axis is _________ (a)evolution (b) revolution (c)rotation (d)orbit. (e) Pluto
20. The surface temperature of the sun is ___ (a)60000c (b) 20000c (c)10000c     (d) 50000c
21. Mid-latitude regions are found between ________ (a)latitudes 300and 450 north only.  (b)latitudes 300and 450 north and south  (c)latitude 00 and 230 north and south (d)latitude 300 and 450 south only.
22. The outer layer of the solid earth is called the ____ (a)core (b)atmosphere (c)crust (d)hydrosphere. (e) Pluto
23. When the sun is overhead at 23 ½os, all places at 23 ½oN experience _______             (a) Total day light (b) shorter days and longer nights   (c) longer days and shorter nights (d) equal days and nights
24. If A is located on latitude 60N and B on latitude 120N, what is the distance between two places? (a) 1.998km (b) 777km (c) 666km           (d) 66.6km(e) 9km
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25. The longitude of london is 00 while that of  sydney, Australia, is about 150oE The time at sydney would therefore be ­­____ (a) 20 hours ahead of that of london   (b) 10 hours ahead of that of london           (c) 10 hours behind that of London.
     (d) Pluto(e) 5 hours before that of London
26. Nigeria is located between longitude _____ (a) 30E and 15oE  (b) 20E and 15oE (c)10E and 10oE (d) 30E and 10oE.
27. The shortest flying route between any two points on the earth’s surface lies along the _______(a) Tropic of capricorn   (b) tropic of cancer (c) greart circle   (d) south pole
28. Temperatures are high throughout the year in equatorial areas mainly because ________ (a)  insolation is constantly high   (b) of temperatures cloud cover   (c) equatorial areas are influenced by currents (d) there are few highlands to reduce temperature.            (e) temperature
29. Which of the following is known as the land of the midnight sun during summer in the Northern Hemisphere? (a) Tropic of cancer (b) Arctic circle (c) Antarctic circle (d) Tropic of capricorn
30. What is the approximate distance of town x from the equator, if it is located on latitude 140N? (a) 1555 km (b) 1232 km (c) 441 km (d) 42 km
31. The latitudes which mark limits of the apparent movement of the overhead sun are (a) tropic of cancer and the arctic circle (b)Arctic and Anataric circles (c)Tropics of cancer and Capricorn (d) Equator and the artic circle.
32. Latitude 66 ½ 0S marks the ____ (a) Antartic circle (b) Arctic circle    (c) tropic of cancer   (d) tropic of capricorn
33. What is the distance along a great circle between latitudes 270S and 23.50N of the equator? (a)5,705.5km (b)5,610.5km (c)5,500.5 km   (d) 5,405.5km (e) 9km
34. What is the distance Accra, Latitude 5030 N and London, Latitude 51030 N? (a)5,406km (b)5,306 km (c) 5,216 km   (d) 5,106 km(e) 19km
35. Which of the following is not a characteristic of lines of longitude? They (a) run from East to west (b) converge at the poles      (c) run from north to south        (d) are used in calculating local time
36. If the time at the Greenwich meridian is 11.00 am. What would the local time be at a place 750W? (a) 6.00pm (b) 5.00 pm (c) 6.00 am (d) 5.00 am(e) 9am
37. The earth is enveloped by a mixture of gases  referred to as the __  (a) biosphere  (b) lithosphere   (c) mesosphere   (d) atmosphere         (e) tropossphere
38. Another name for the core of the earth is ________  (a) lithosphere  (b) barysphere (c) tropossphere   (d) endosphere(e) atmosphere
39. The innermost section of the earth is the _______ (a)core (b) mantle (c) crust                   (d) soil
40. Mid latitude regions are found between _______ (a) latitudes 300 and 450 north only (b) latitudes 300 and 450 north and south (c) latitudes 00 and 23 ½ 0 north and south (d) latitudes 300 and 450 south only.

1.      (a)Name any FOUR planets in the solar system.
(b)With the aid of a appropriate  diagrams, explain  three proofs to   show  that the earth is spherical in shape.
2.      (a)Define Geography.
(b)Mention FOUR importance of studying Geography.
3.      (a)Mention the two movements of the earth.
(b)Define rotation.
4.      Describe three effects of the revolution of the earth.
5.      (a)Distinguish between rotation and revolution of the earth.
(b)Highlight any two effects of either rotation and revolution of the   earth.
6.      (i)Draw a well labeled diagram to show the internal structure of the earth  (ii)Describe distinguishing characteristics of any one of the layers shown in your diagram
(b)Outline the importance of either the hydrosphere or the biosphere to man.

Paper 2 (SS 2)


1.      Which of the following does not favour the formation of deltas?  (a)a long upper course of a river  (b)a reduction in river velocity at its  lower course   (c)a lot of sediments in the lower  course  of a river (d)the existence of large lakes in the  middle and lower portions of a river. (e)none of the above.
2.      The intensity of  erosion by a river is determined by the _________     (a)volume  of water only   (b)gradient of the valley only   (c)gradient and width of the valley   (d)volume of water, gradient of the valley and the load carried.  (e)none of the above.
3.      The features commonly found  along the lower course of a river are ______ (a)windgaps (b)rapids (c)waterfalls (d)meanders (e)none of the above.
4.      Braiding of the lower course of a river is caused by _______ (a)a reduction of the volume load carried by the river   (b)deposition of a large volume of materials on the level plain.                                        (c)erosion  on the concave slope and deposition on the convex slope  (d)the raising  of the general level of the flood plain.  (e) a reduction of the volume load carried by the river
5.      Which of the following is a disadvantage of water transport?  (a)causes atmospheric pollution  (b)is used for carrying agricultural commodities only (c)is  not flexible                                                      (d)is not suitable for international trade. (e)none of the above.
6.      All the following are ways in which rivers are useful to man except the ___ (a)formation of political boundaries between countries (b)provision of rich agricultural land (c)generation of hydro-electricity (d)relocation of settlement  after flooding. (e)none of the above.
7.      The part of the earth where water exists is the _______ (a)hydrosphere (b)barysphere (c)biosphere (d)atmosphere.(e)mesosphere.
8.      Which of the following statements is true of winds? (a)off-shore winds are usually wet (b)they blow strongly only in forest. (c)they blow from areas of  high pressure to areas  of low pressure (d)they blow from areas of low pressure to areas of high pressure. (e)none of the above
9.      The dry winds that blows out of the sahara desert towards the southern parts of west Africa is known as ______ (a)fohn (b)sirocco (c)mistral (d)harmattan. (e)Tornado.
10. Which of these features is associated with wind erosion in the deserts? (a)zeugen (b) Barchan (c)Ripples (d)Dunes. (e)none of the above.
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11. Which of the following is not a process of wind erosion? (a)abrasion (b)attrition (c)hydraulic action (d)deflation.
12. In the desert region the most prominent agent of erosion is ______ (a)thunder storms (b)rainfall (c)rivers (d)wind. (e)fire.
13. A steep-sided feature with vertical bands of alternate hard and soft rocks, aligned in the direction of the prevailing wind is ___ (a)Mesa (b)Zeugen (c)Yardang    (d)Rock pedestal. (e)cliff.
14. Yardangs are best described as  _____ (a)long narrow ridges of sand lying  parallel to the prevailing wings (b)steep-sided vertical bands of alternate hard and soft rocks aligned in the direction of the prevailing winds (c)flat ,table-like masses with very resistant  horizontal top layers and very steep sides (d)tabular, horizontal strata of alternate hard and soft rocks sculptured into a ridge  and furrow  landscape by wind.      (e)none of the above.
15. Winds in anticyclones differ from winds  in cylones mainly because they ______ (a)blows inwards (b)blows outwards (c)are affected by the earth’s rotation (d)results in light rainfall.(e)none of the above.
16. Air pressure at sea levels is higher than at the top of mountain because the air at the sea __     (a) originates from the sea (b)has a greater weight   (c)consists of a lesser mixture of gases  (d)has a lesser weight. (e)none of the above.
17. Which of the following best explains why wind erosion is very effective in desert region? (a)there are no resistant rock surfaces  (b)the only agent of erosion is wind             (c)rocks are generally soft and less resistant (d)rainfall is insufficient and evaporation is high. (e)none of the above.
18. Air pollution is caused by all the following except ______ (a)evapo-transpiration (b).fumes from motor vehicles (c)discharge of gasses from factories (d)volcanic eruptions  (e)bush burning.
19. Jos experiences a moderate temperature compared with other places on the same latitude in Nigeria because it ____ (a) is close to the River Niger Which exerts some moderating influence on its weather (b)is on a high altitude (c)receives relief rain most of the time   (d)lies at the convergence of two different air masses (e)is surrounded by dense vegetation.
20. Which of the following is a disadvantage of water transport? (a)causes atmospheric pollution   (b)is used for carrying agricultural commodities only (c)is not flexible   (d)is not suitable for international trade. (e)cannot carry bulky goods.
21. Manmade distribution of water to farmlands in areas which suffer from inadequate rainfall is called (a) water resource management (b)Irrigation (c)mulching (d)arable farming. (e)none of the above.
22. Atmospheric resources can be used for all the following except _______ (a)power supply (b)sifting of grains (c)housing (d)communication (e)none of the above.
23. Which of the following does not favour the formation of deltas? (a)a long upper course of a river (b)a reduction in river velocity at its  lower course  (c)a lot of sediments in the lower  course  of a river (d)the existence of large lakes in the  middle and lower portions of a river(e)a long lower course of a river.
24. The intensity of erosion by a river is determined by the__________ (a)volume  of water only (b)gradient of the valley only (c)gradient and width of the valley (d)volume of water, gradient of the valley and the load carried (e)none of the above.
25. The features commonly found along the lower course of a river are________ (a)windgaps (b)rapids (c)waterfalls (d)meanders (e)plateux.
26. Braiding of the lower course of a river is caused by _____ (a)a reduction of the volume load carried by the river   (b)deposition of a large volume of materials on the level plain   (c)erosion  on the concave slope and deposition on the convex slope     (d)the raising  of the general level of the flood plain (e) none of the above.
27. Which of the following is not a feature of river erosion?(a)waterfalls (b)gorges (c)V- shape valleys (d)deltas (e)none of the above.
28. The predominant action at the upper course of a river is______ (a)saltation (b)transportation (c)deposition (d)corrosion (e)relocation.
29. All the following are ways in which rivers are useful to man except the­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                  ­________  (a)formation of political boundaries between countries (b)provision of rich agricultural land (c)generation of hydro-electricity (d)relocation of settlement  after flooding (e)none of the above.
30. A spring is an outlet for ­­­­­­­­­­_____ (a)rivers (b)streams in karst regions (c)underground water (d)rain water (e)earthquake.
31. The term watershed refers to the _________ (a)direction  of flow of a river  from  its source to the sea (b)volume of load carried by a river (c)crestlines from which two or more rivers flow in opposite directions  (d)entire  area flooded by a river during the wet season (e) amount of loads needed to fill the mouth of a river.
32. Thermal electricity is produced in all the following areas except ______ (a)Afam (b)Oji (c)Kainji (d)Sapele (e)Egbin.
33. The greatest hydro-electric power potential in Nigeria  is found in the ____ (a)Sokoto plains (b)Niger-Benue trough (c)Cross River Basin (d)Chad (e)ogun basin.
34. A town located at the confluence of two rivers in Nigeria is______ (a)Onisha (b)Makurdi (c)Bussa   (d) Lokoja (e)Abuja.
35. The presence of gorges in the upper section of rivers is due to the fact that ____ (a)the rocks  in the upper course are less resistant (b)the volume of the river is small (c)hanging valleys join the main valley as waterfalls to cause the gorges (d)the upper course has a steep gradient (e)none of the above.
36. Which of the following Nigeria rivers provides the longest distance of internal waterways? (a)Cross (b)Benue (c)Siluko(d)Ogun (e)Osun.
37. The use of water transport is limited by all the following except___ (a)wide valleys (b)waterfalls (c)floating vegetation (d)seasonality (e)narrow valleys.
38. Which of the following is not a method by which rivers transport their eroded materials? (a)suspension (b)traction (c)attrition (d)solution (e)none of the above.
39. The middle course of a river normally shows _____ (a)waterfall (b)levee (c)meanders (d)ox-bow lakes (e)rapids.
40. The lower course of a river is usually associated with the formation of _____ (a)rapids and waterfalls (b)meanders and interlocking spurs (c)V-shaped valleys (d)ox-bow lakes (e)none of the above.

1.      Define running water.
Identify and explain three processes of river erosion.
2.      Identify the three stages of a river.
Mention two landforms associated with each of the stages.
3.      With the aid of suitable diagrams, describe the appearance and formation of any two of the following landforms:
(ii)river capture
Show one way in which each of the two features in (i)above  is of importance to man.
4.      With the aid of well-labelled diagrams describe three main differences between the landform of any two of the following pairs:
(a)Zeugens and Yardangs
(b)Waterfalls and Gorges
(c)Levees and Deltas.
5.      Describe the characteristics of the following types of landforms
 (ii)Mesa and Butte.
6.      Distinguish between deflation and abrasion
Using specific examples, describe one landform produced by each of the processes in (a ) above.
Give any two reasons why wind erosion is more active in arid than in humid regions.


Mr Bamidele Oladapo 

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